hello there;)

Frank Bølviken

Frontend / App Developer

I do a little bit of everything, but mostly frontend and app development. Several prooven business critical apps in production enabling the business to grow and reach more consumers. Passionate about delivering a good end-user experience and immersive digital experience. Currently working with revolutionizing the consumer journey from when you order online until you have your parcel at your doorstep. I like experimenting with AI, designing and creating apps, exploring new ideas and ventures. I love Lego, Gaming and most importantly, beeing a Father.


2008 - 2020

Oslo, NO
Where I became a developer. Transitioning from backend to frontend. Eventually becoming front end lead and release manager. One of the original developers of the current leading industry software for managing large infrastructure projects.

2020 - now

Oslo, NO
Current. Web and App lead, currently developing the consumer-facing surfaces for web and app for tracking deliveries. Was responsible for courier app used by drivers in Norway and the sorting app for the warehouse (Porterbuddy).

©2023 by Frank Bølviken frankbolviken.com